Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Graduates

Dakoda and Riley recently graduated from their intermediate pet training classes!! Dakoda did very well and proved to me that the time I spent training her was time well spent. Riley still needs some work but it's not his fault Dakoda got an early start on things. He also has shown to be very intellegent and easy to train and should catch up quite fast.. Hopefully, he'll be all caught up by the time their advanced classes begin. I like to keep them involved with these classes as a way to keep them socialized with other dogs and people. It's also fun and a great way to excercise and release some of their energy.

Earlier that day, we took them both to the park for a nice walk. They are learning how to walk on a leash and are getting better at it. I find that Riley is much more confident when he's with Dakoda. It's easier for me to walk them together than have one person hold one leash and me the other. I think if they had the chance they would have both jumped in the lake after the ducks, haha.

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