Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Letting Nature take it's Course & Dem Saints....WHO DAT!

Lots of things have been going down in the pack. The more I learn about dogs, the more confused I get. One day, it's "this is the best thing", the next it's something else. I wish I could go back in time and take some of the knowledge I know now about dogs and apply it to DJ. Perhaps he could have had a healthier life. But, we learn from our mistakes and try not the make the same ones over again. That's my intention any way. I recently switched the dogs to an all natural home-made diet due to some of the disadvantages to feeding just dry dog food. Firstly, because of the crystals Dakoda got for the second time in her life. It was recommended we put her on a prescription diet made by Science Diet and I love my dog too much to feed her that. Secondly, because dry dog food is thought to be the leading cause of bloat in dogs and since Indiana is a very fast eater, even with a slow feeder bowl, I don't want that to happen to him. Last, but not least, all of the health benefits to feeding natural home-made food. Yet, there are so many different opinions out there as to what exactly to add in their prepared food. It can be a bit confusing which is why we now see a homeopathic vet to help guide us in our attempt for a healthier more natural life style for our pets. Trust me, it's a little more work preparing their food (I wish dog food was the best thing because it's alot easier to dish out a couple of cups from a container than it is to actually make and prepare it everyday) but I love the benefits from it.

I was a bit apprehensive to feeding my dogs raw meat in the beginning (YUCK! right?). But after a visit with the homeopathic vet and her assurance and years of expierience, and supposed benefits, we succumed to the idea. Of course special precautions should be taken when doing this like: getting meat as organic and natural as possible without any added hormones and such, cleaning the meat very thouroughly, and feeding the dog in a small space to make clean up a breeze (Koda likes to take food out of her bowl and put it on her bed then eat it, so I put down a "potty pad" to prevent the spread of any bacteria that could be passed on to us humans). Dogs, however can supposedly handle the bacteria from raw meat. Hey, I'm no expert, but if you do the research and talk to people who have been studying and doing this with their dogs for years, than maybe you'll be open to the idea.

Another thing is, you don't hear the term "side effects" with this method of care. Alot of the medications my dogs have been on presented some side effects and only ever supressed the problems. When we first started this, our homeopathic vet said that Koda might expierience some of the illnesses she had previously been treated for with antibiotics because it never actually cured the problem but only put it in a dormant state. Sure enough she got an ear infection that he warned us about and we were able to let it heal naturally and be rid of it once and for all. I was amazed by the results! I didn't have to spend over $100 at the vet's office for medication that wouldn't actually cure the infection. Instead I spent less than $20 on an acute remedy from the homeopathic vet and some almond oil to help sooth the pain and get the wax out (I also used aloe vera from a house plant which helps pain and redness). Grant you, it took a couple of days longer to heal, it was a very bad infection, but none-the-less, it healed.

Okay, so besides trying to give my dogs a healthier life, how bout dem Saints? WOOHOO!!! We won the Super Bowl baby! OMG! This city, state has been going mad for the past month.

It's a Who Dat thang that cannot be explained to anyone outside of the Who Dat Nation. I don't usually dress my dog in dog apparel, but I did buy them all a New Orleans Saints bandana to wear. I can't wait for game day so they can wear it.

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