Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

Well, it was bound to happen again sometime.....another hurricane threat. Only this time it wasn't that bad for us. However, this was Dakoda's first hurricane evacuation and who better to spend it with than two of your best buds, Harley and Coco!! (Coco, a mini schnauzer, was one of the dogs I was fostering at the time for Companion Pet Adoption who my aunt and uncle loved and thought would make a great companion for Harley and so they adopted him!).

Anyway, they were all so good, except poor Dakoda didn't know where to sleep. She's used to a routine and since that got broken for about a week she was a little confused. But none-the-less, we survived and it was a good expierience for her. At least all the dogs got along. Since Coco stayed with us for a few days before the hurricane, he and Dakoda got really close and I found it funny that when Harely and Dakoda was playing, Coco would try to defend Dakoda, lol. They are so funny and such good dogs. Couldn't ask for more.

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