Friday, June 13, 2008

HELP ANDY!!! click here

Hi everyone! I'm reaching out to all the animal lovers for this one. This poor dog was hit by motorcycle riders and was left for dead. Thankfully, someone found him and now he is undergoing a very costly recovery process. Most people would have given up and put the dog down, but someone thought this particular dog deserved a second chance. The vet bills totaled over $6,000.00!!! So, if you can spare just a few dollars at the least to help donate to Andy's recovery, Andy and his rescuers would greatly appreciate it. I made a small donation myself so if you could please find it in your hearts to help this sweet angel who really needs it. I guarantee this dog will appreciate his future life once he is fully recovered but he needs your help. Read his story below:

Andy put out a 911 call when he was hit by motorcycle riders. He was hit and rolled into a ditch and a nice person pulled him out and took him home and put him on her porch. Then she waited approx 18 hours before she called because she did not know what to do. Andy's, soon to be foster Dad, who was out of town, directed that Andy be taken to his vet. After several x-rays, it was determined that Andy had 2 broken femors and a dislocated hip, not to mention that he was heartworm positive AND unneutered. Andy has a great personality and great spirit to go along and after several long consultations, it was decided that Andy deserved to see another day. He has a great personality, a wagging tail and a lick for your hand. His prognosis for full recovery is excellent BUT he is asking that if you can will you please help Dad with his medical bills. Mom is setting up a PayPal account for him.

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